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Click the category name to advance down to that section of the page.- Websites
- Articles
- Books
- Documentaries and Videos
- Online Support Groups
- Video Blog by a Bipolar Sufferer
- Christian Resources
- Freedom from Fear
- Depression Hurts
- Mental Health Matters
- Derek Wood
- Thrive With Bipolar Disorder
- Life Adjustment Team
- Andy Behrman (A.K.A Electroboy)
- Esperanza magazine
- BP Magazine
- START Clinic for Mood and Anxiety Disorders
- Health Canada - Health Canada is the Federal department responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health, while respecting individual choices and circumstances.
- Psych Central; Newburyport, MA
- Fraser Health; Surrey, BC
- International Bipolar Foundation
- Living with Bipolar and Depression
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Mental Health America
- Mental - American Government mental health site
- National Alliance on Mental Health
- Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance
- Patients like Me - A website for anyone with health concerns (has a forum where you can talk with others who are dealing with mental illness and receive support) and track your moods.
- Optimism Online - Self-tracking applications, designed to help you increase your understanding of all the things that affect your mental health. The apps act as a springboard to detect patterns in your health and develop strategies to proactively manage depression, bipolar disorder, and other mental health conditions.
- The Game Plan for Dealing with Depression - This blog is part of a comprehensive program to help those suffering with clinical depression, and their loved ones, deal more effectively with their condition. Here you will find professional articles on the subject along with personal life stories and anecdotes.
- Mood Disorders Association of Ontario
- McMan's Depression and Bipolar Web
- Children's Mental Health Network
- Rebecca's Dream - Changing the Face of Depression
- Open Forest
- Drug Science - Anxiety - This site provides scientific and other material regarding the medical use of cannabis (marijuana), CBD (cannabidiol), and their respective legal status under the federal laws of the United States as well as individual state laws.
- What is Depression? by Derek Wood
- What is a Nervous Breakdown? by John Grohol
- Blood tests could diagnose teen depression, study says by Emily Jackson
- The Stigma Within by Janice Arenofsky
- CTV News – Resources Dedicated to Treatment of Mental Health
- New Gene for Bipolar Disorder Discovered
- Bipolar and Epilepsy Could Be Linked
- Bipolar Lives in Their Own Write
- 10 Things I Wish People Knew About Depression
- Stem Cell Research Opens Doors to Potential New Treatments for Bipolar Disorder
- How a Person with Bipolar Thinks
- Bidirectional Link Between Life Events and Mood Episodes
- Adam Boland: Former TV Producer Reveals Mental Illness Struggle, says he was 'Trapped by Television'
- Bipolar and creativity—is there a link?
- Stigma in your own backyard
- First stem cell study of bipolar disorder yields promising results
- Taking the stigma out of bipolar disorder
- Staging model, biomarker proposed for bipolar disorder
- Groove: Stories to Refresh How We Think and Feel About Our Mental Illnesses - by Daphne Tarango, Carley Cooper, and 8 other inspirational writers
- Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania - by Andy Behrman
- Back from the Brink - by Graeme Cowan - Also includes CD's, Blog, True Stories, Practical Help
- Caught Between Sunshine & Shadow - by Georgie Tutt - a collection of stories and poems written by people who have bipolar disorder and are managing their condition, being able to live fulfilled lives despite their diagnosis.
- Mood Disorders & Different Kinds of Depression (FREE PDF download)
- The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive: The Stephen Fry Story (2 hrs)
- The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale) (53 min)
- What is Bipolar Disorder? (13 min)
- A-Z of Famous People with Bipolar Disorder (10 min)
- Famous People with Bipolar Disorder (2 min)
- Linda Hamilton - On Bipolar Disorder (1 min)
- Linda - A Documentary on Mental Illness - Part 1 (14 min)
- Linda - A Documentary on Mental Illness - Part 2 (11 min)
- My Journey with Schizoaffective Disorder (24 min)
- Social Anxiety - Facing your fears (10 min)
- Social Anxiety - Symptoms and Negative thinking (3 min)
- Social Anxiety - You're not alone 2009 (7 min)
- Social Anxiety Documentary: Afraid of People (1 hr)
- Conference - Mood Dialog Day 2013: International Bipolar Foundation
- teamTHRIVE (Support for Bipolar Disorder on Facebook)
- The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Facebook group)
6. Video Blog by a Bipolar Sufferer
Bipolar State of Being on Youtube (lots of video blog entries to watch)7. CHRISTIAN RESOURCES
- BOOK: Victory over the Darkness, Realizing the Power of Your Identity in Christ by Neil T. Anderson