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FREE Safety Plan Check List for Abuse Victims
If you are in an abusive situation and would like to know how to get out safely, Click the Download button below to download a PDF file of a Safety Plan Checklist for Abuse Victims for FREE. Then, contact your local Women's Shelter, and they can help you with any resources you need to get yourself and your children out safely.

- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence - These statistics are for the USA, but the numbers are much the same in Canada, and around the world. This site also has some printable resources.
- The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada - Article on Abuse Statistics
- Websites
- Documentaries and Videos
- Articles
- Studies
- Books
- Health Canada - Violence Against Women - Violence against women, a prime area of concern as a health issue, is rooted in the social, economic and political inequality of women. Health Canada's activities through the National Clearinghouse on Family Violence focus on synthesizing and disseminating best practices to prevent and treat family violence, including violence against women.
- Futures Against Violence
- Prosecuting Attorney, Clark Country, Indiana
- Province of Quebec Domestic Violence
- The Coalition Against Violence: Avalon East
- The Cycle of Abuse - Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia
- Domestic Violence Cycle - The Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable
- The Mid-Valley Women's Crisis Service; Salem, Oregon website
- Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable services focus on public education, on providing assistance to agencies, health professionals, educators, the clergy and others engaged in efforts to reduce domestic violence in our communities, and on facilitating exchanges of information about effective strategies for combating abusive behavior.
- Pavilion Family Resource Centre
- Women’s Aid
- Abuse and Recovery
- Male Survivor – Overcoming Sexual Victimization of Boys & Men
- Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
- Jenn Jilks (Blog titled Ontario Healthcare for Those Over 50)
- Seniors Canada - Government of Canada Seniors page
- Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (ONPEA)
- Advocates to End Domestic Violence in Carson City, NV
- The Secret Behind Closed Doors - Spreading Awareness and Information of Abuse – by a group of women called ‘Shadowlight & Co’
- End the Fear – Greater Manchester Against Domestic Abuse
- Blooming Lotus - Journey to Recovery from Childhood Abuse by Faith Allen
- The Child Abuse Prevention Website by the Ministry of Children and Family Development of Government of British Columbia
- Rape Victim Advocacy Program - Iowa City, IA
- Kali Munro, Psychotherapist; Toronto, ON
- The Pixel Project's "16 For 16" Campaign
- Canadian Association of Mental Health (CAMH) – Awareness Campaign 2012 – See these websites for more info:
- CMHA Facebook
- CMHA Article & Video - Defeating Denial: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health launches challenging new campaign to shift public perceptions about mental health
- Counseling Directory UK – Connecting you with professional support - The largest online directory for connecting people with professional support in the UK
- Drug Rehab Connections - helping addicts and their loved ones by providing them with information and support on different addictions and recovery resources available to them. This site is not a treatment center, nor do they refer their audience to centers. This website is here to provide information and support only!
- Addiction Resource - Provide a community for those recovering from addiction and to help patients find the highest quality care for a successful recovery. Their goal is to provide resources to help patients and their loved ones so that they may stay on the road to recovery, and can successfully overcome addiction for life.
- PTSD Self-Test - a well-designed self-test and article
- Domestic Abuse (Tyra Banks) (25 min)
- Things YOU Can Say to a Victim of Domestic Violence (3 min)
- Telling Amy's Story (Trailer) - Domestic Violence Documentary (4 min)
- Telling Amy's Story: A Virginia Currents Special (86 min)
- Conspiracy of Silence (2.8 hours) - This is a movie mini-series, which you will have to purchase. However, I highly recommend it. It's worth the price. (Breaking the Window or Carley Cooper does not make any commissions from this sale.)
- Power and Control: Domestic Violence in America (Website with links to purchase the documentary video) (Breaking the Window or Carley Cooper does not make any commissions from this sale.)
- Domestic Violence Awareness Video (6 min)
- Breaking Point (20/20 News) (10 min)
- The Aftermath of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Dennis Thompson Jr. of Everyday Health
- Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse
- Co-Occurring Disorders
- How Mental Illness and Addiction Influence Each Other
- Co-morbidity: Addiction and Other Mental Illnesses
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Addiction: Identifying and Treating Your Dual Diagnosis
- After the Battle: 7 Health Problems Facing Veterans
- Teen Drug Abuse: The Facts and Statistics
- 12 Ways to Help a Teen Handle the Emotional Challenges of Moving
- The Best Things Parents Can Do to Prevent Teenage Drinking
- Reaching Out for Support When You Have a Mental Illness
- - Here is a list of great articles from this site:
- Domestic Violence: Recognizing Patterns and Seeking Help
- What is Child Abuse & Neglect? Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms
- Common Signs and Symptoms of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation in People with Disabilities
- Animal Abuse and Human Abuse: Partners in Crime
- What to Say When You Think Someone is Being Abused
- Abused Children and Addiction: The Guide to Untangling, Reconnecting, & Building New Futures
- Reconnecting After Domestic Violence: Establishing New Patterns in Intimate Relationships
- Powerlessness and theNeed to Control: The Male Abuser’s Dilemma by Petrik, Norman D.; Olson, Rebecca E. Petrik; Subotnik, Leah S.; Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Volume 9 (2): 278 SAGE, Jun 1, 1994
- Characteristics of Women Physically Abused by Their Spouses and Who Seek Treatment Regarding Marital Conflict by Michelle Cascardi, K. Daniel O’Leary, Erika E. Lawrence, and Karin A. Schlee; State University of New York at Stony Brook, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1995
- Assessment of Clinical Partner Violence Screening Tools - Coker, A.L., Pope, B.O., et al. (2001) by University of Kentucky. Assessment of clinical partner violence screening tools. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association, 56(1), p.19-23.
- Is Domestic Violence Followed by an Increased Risk of Psychiatric Disorders Among Women But Not Among Men? - A Longitudinal Cohort Study by Miriam K. Ehrensaft, Ph.D.; Terrie E. Moffitt, Ph.D.; Avshalom Caspi, Ph.D.; American Journal of Psychiatry 2006;163:885-892.
- Children’s Witnessing of Adult Domestic Violence by Edleson JL., Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1999 (Download PDF document)
- Domestic Violence in the Context of Child Abuse and Neglect by Laing L, Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse Topic paper, 2003
- Myths that Place Children at Risk During Custody Litigation by Leadership Council, 2005
- Preventing Child Maltreatment: A Guide to Taking Action and Generating Evidence by WHO and ISPCAN, Geneva, 2006 (Download PDF document)
- Domestic Violence and Child Protection: Challenging Directions for Practice by Humphreys C, Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse, Sydney, 2007
- Gendered Dynamics of Abuse and Violence in Families: Considering the Abusive Household Gender Regime by Anne Morris for the Institute for Health, Society and Equity, Flinders University, Australia; Child Abuse Review, Vol. 18, Wiley InterScience: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2009 (No link available at this time)
- Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect – 2003 by Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada with funding provided by the governments of Ontario, Alberta, and the Northwest Territories; 2005 (Download PDF document)
- Healthy Connections:Listening to BC Youth by McCreary Centre Society; 1999
- Domestic Violence:Action for Change by Hague G. and Malos E.; New clarion Press: Cheltenham, 2005
- Helping an Abused Woman: 101 Things to KNOW, SAY and DO – A Helping Hands Guide on Skill Building and Tools for Helpers and Healers (Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication, 2008) by Linda Baker, Ph.D. C. Psych., Executive Director and Alison Cunningham, M.A. (Crim.), Director of Research and Planning for the Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System
- Domestic Violence Handbook
- Why does he do that? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men by Lundy Bancroft. - Berkley Publishing Group 2002
- Adult Victims of Abuse Protocols by The Government of New Brunswick, 2005 (Download PDF document)
- Survivor Voices is a project, undertaken by the Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) that over the period of about a year, sought out the ideas, insights and advice of woman abuse survivors about participating in policy development and systemic change. The objective of the Survivor Voices project was to find out how survivors themselves would like to share their ideas for improving services